Redrawing Resistance

PCVC is one of the lead organizations that founded and curated Redrawing Resistance: South Asian Women’s Stories of Survival and Resistance.  Redrawing Resistance is a collection of paintings, photography, poetry and videos from South Asian women survivors of violence, their families and their artist allies. The collection illustrates the power of South Asian women and their stories in South Asia and across the diaspora. 

The collection also seeks to raise awareness of The International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA) which calls for Congress to authorize U.S. international aide to support programs that address violence against women. You can read more about Redrawing Resistance and look at past exhibits at .

The concept of Re-Drawing Resistance was birthed at the International Society for Health and Human Rights (ISHHR) conference in 2005. Two years later, in the fall of 2007, the sixty-piece (60) exhibit was assembled and opened at The Queens Museum of Art (QMA) in New York City. After the QMA, the exhibit traveled across town to the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York (CUNY). Finally, the exhibit landed in Vermont where it adorned the Dudley H. Davis Center at the University of Vermont.s

In 2009, Re-Drawing Resistance launched its second tour which opened again at the Queens Museum of Art. The exhibit then traveled to Boston College where the Women’s Resource Center in collaboration with multiple student organizations, hosted an opening reception for the exhibit. The exhibit’s final destination was Toronto, Canada where Women’s Health in Women’s Hands, a community health center, hosted the exhibit in collaboration with the University of Toronto School of Social Work. The reception included a DJ, spoken word and theatrical performance.

In 2015 and 2016, Re-Drawing Resistance was brought home to Chennai and conducted with women survivors of domestic and burn violence and sexual harassment in public spaces. A joint 3-day exhibit was held in March 2016 at Lalit Kala Academy to mark Women’s History Month. The exhibit was accompanied by a series of events which included documentary screenings, panel discussions and workshops.

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